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Safe commuting

Commuting is a key element in occupational safety. The Finnish Road Safety Council promotes safe commuting by means of communication and co-operating directly with workplaces.

Order safe commuting newsletter that is sent four times a year. (Opens in a new window)

Road safety is an important part of occupational safety and health

Safe commuting can be included in the strategy and operating methods of each workplace. The selection of practical measures depends on the needs, sector and size of the workplace. The goal is zero accidents.

Finnish Road Safety Council offers versatile operating models, tools and materials for safer commuting.

Activity tips for workplaces

Reflector Quiz

The Reflector Quiz is a great way to go over the basics of reflectors and their use. The quiz can be done at the start of a meeting, as part of a theme week or month, or even as a checkpoint during a safety event (10-15 min time).

Refelector Quiz and the answers (pdf) (Opens in a new window)

Driver fatigue

The aim of the safety session is to help identify signs of fatigue in traffic and to find ways for the work community to combat fatigue (15-30 min time).

Distracted in traffic

With this activity tip, you can easily demonstrate at the workplace how multitasking impacts performance. You can do the activity alone or in pairs. All you need is your phone and a tennis ball or some other similar-sized object you can throw and catch.

Self-assessment matrix for workplaces

Workplaces can use the self-assessment matrix to

  • assess the current state of commuter safety
  • support continuous improvement of commuter safety.

The tool is intended especially for the management, the occupational safety personnel and everyone responsible for safe commuting in the workplace.

Safe Mobility at Workplaces (pdf)

Road safety tips for info screens and displays

Road safety tips and guidance intended for info screens and displays can be found in the Finnish Road Safety Council’s Flickr account. Most of the material is available in English, Swedish and Finnish.

See the album. (Opens in a new window)

Seven tips for staying upright during slippery winter conditions.


A newsletter published four times a year highlights topical themes and issues related to road safety. The letter is published in Finnish, Swedish and English. Order the newsletter (Opens in a new window).

Read newsletters


1/2025  Spring brings new energy to commuting, Pedestrians can choose which side to walk on, Recognize the signs of fatigue. (Opens in a new window)


4/2024 Commuting safety is not built on theme days or campaigns, slippery conditions are back, a case example from FläktGroup Finland.  (Opens in a new window)

3/2024 City of Kokkola awarded the Road Safe Workplace recognition, reflector quiz and tips to promote its use, and tips for timely highlights. (Opens in a new window)

2/2024 Fatigue in traffic and safety briefing for dealing with fatigue, the City of Tornio’s aim to become a road-safe workplace and tips for safe cycling.  (Opens in a new window) 

1/2024 Tackling Commuting Accidents, ARE is progressing systematically towards safer commuting, Activity tip for spring and Distracted in traffic. (Opens in a new window)


4/2024 If you drink, don’t drive; Finland by car, on foot and by bicycle – new brochures (PDF); how to avoid slipping.   (Opens in a new window)

3/2023 Driver fatigue, Employees arriving from abroad – what about traffic safety? and The City of Kokkola. (Opens in a new window) 

2/2023 The ELY Centre for Lapland is Finland’s first Road Safe Workplace, Commuting with carpooling – what kind of commute partner are you?, Commute actively and safely by bicycle, Avoid loose items inside the car, Remember summer workers. (Opens in a new window)

1/2023 Road safe workplace, Mipro employees’ three themes of safe commuting and varying spring weather. (Opens in a new window)


4/2022 Webinar highlights: tackling commuting accidents, Luke employees stay active, safety tips for winter walking. (Opens in a new window)

3/2022  Tips for safe and economical driving, Know the traffic rules: Who gives way, the reflector, Watch out for wild animals (Opens in a new window)

2/2022  New instructions for encountering an emergency vehicle on the road, Do you know the rules for riding an electric scooter, What is your driving health? (Opens in a new window)

1/2022  Spring is here − What’s new in commuter traffic, Employees of the Finnish Road Safety Agency contributing to traffic safety, Do this at the scene of an accident. (Opens in a new window)


6/2021 Do you know how your car lights work?, Use lights when cycling in the dark (Opens in a new window)

5/2021 See and be seen in traffic, Prepare for slippery weather conditions, Park safely also on the left side of the road (Opens in a new window)

4/2021 Be mindful of children in traffic, Does your bike have a rear light?, Know the rules for pedestrian and cycle paths (Opens in a new window)

3/2021 Know the traffic rules, Driving on electricity? Know your vehicle, Overtake cyclist only when it is safe (Opens in a new window)

2/2021 Why not try bicycle commuting?, Weigh the suitable time for changing tyres and check condition (Opens in a new window)

1/2021 Prepare for poor driving conditions and instruct your employees to anticipate, You can prevent slipping by your own actions (Opens in a new window)