Working together for road safety
The Finnish Road Safety Council promotes safety on roads by influencing people’s behaviour. We promote safe practices and appreciation of road safety in society by increasing awareness and influencing citizens’ values, attitudes and behaviours in traffic.
According to the Act on the Road Safety Council (278/2003), the purpose of our organisation is to promote road safety through education, communication and research. As the central organisation, we guide and coordinate the road safety work of our member communities, launch initiatives and promote road safety in various ways.
Our activities are guided by “Vision Zero”, an internationally and nationally recognised safety strategy. According to Vision Zero, the traffic and transport system must be designed in such a way that no one has to die or be seriously injured. The traffic and transport system encompasses the transport environment, transport services, vehicles and human activities as well as the laws governing them.
The aim of Vision Zero is continuous improvement of road safety. Anticipatory behaviour and identifying and managing risks on the road are core parts of the Vision Zero approach.

Traffic safety mission
The Finnish Road Safety Council is an expert in safe traffic behaviour. Our mission is to make roads safe together.
Our mission emphasises our role as the central organisation for traffic safety and describes the Vision Zero objective, in which traffic safety is taken into account across the board both in the transport system and at the level of individual people. Our work contributes to the achievement of national and EU-level road safety objectives.
We promote a safe traffic culture through lifelong traffic education and communications. Our activities are underpinned by research. We motivate individuals, communities and professionals to make safe choices on the road. We are a reliable partner working closely with various other actors in society.
Safe traffic behaviour is manifested in better consideration of others, proactiveness and positive interactions on the road.
Operating principles
- Our work is goal-oriented and collaborative
- Our work is based on research
- We promote sustainability and equality in our work
- We act openly and respectfully
- We lead the way in road safety
Communication and campaigning
We promote traffic safety and traffic culture by communicating and campaigning on topical road safety phenomena. Cooperation with the media is important.
Lifelong education in road safety
The Finnish Road Safety Council delivers road safety education with a lifelong learning approach. We produce various training materials for different age groups and provide inductions to people who are involved in road safety education.
- Key channels of road safety education for children and young people include parents and guardians, maternity and child health clinics, day care centres, schools, recreational and other youth organisations and the Defence Forces.
- We reach adults through the media and by collaborating with businesses.
- For older people, we organise various theme events and courses, and we train educators and produce materials.
One of the key tasks of the Finnish Road Safety Council is to develop further training for drivers. We provide training for instructors who work with people learning to drive HGVs, cars and motorcycles. The aim of the courses is to help drivers identify traffic risks and take them into account in their everyday traffic behaviour. Our “Keep a safe distance” theme is a way of thinking and learning to avoid hazards.
Research and statistics
We produce and compile materials related to road safety to support the planning and targeting of communications and education and assess the effectiveness of the measures taken. Our statistical service delivers reliable and timely information.
Regional activities and work with local governments
Our twelve regional offices work in close cooperation with local authorities, organisations and media. Our local presence helps us to coordinate road safety work nationally and to bring our work close to all road users.
Our regional activities are based on diverse work in municipalities, with an excellent reach to local authorities and residents. A large part of our work takes place in traffic safety groups led by the Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment.
Our local offices train child health clinics, day care centres, schools and educational institutions, youth services, occupational safety and health personnel and those working with older people. We also deliver training to school transport drivers, home carers, immigrants, exchange students and other groups with a keen interest in road safety. The local offices are supported by a network of trainers coached by the Council.
For more information about free training, please contact our local offices.
The Road Safety Medal of Honour
Each year, on the proposal of the board of the Finnish Road Safety Council, the Minister for Transport presents the Road Safety Medal of Honour to people who have worked in the sector for 15 years or more. The award is based on the decree issued on 22 May 1992.
The board of the Finnish Road Safety Council submits the proposal of the award committee to the ministry, and the final decision is made by the Minister for Transport.
The medal recipient proposals must be submitted by mid-February. After the Minister’s decision, all applications submitted in that year are reset. People can be proposed for the medal multiple times. The medals are presented annually in spring.
When proposing a recipient, please take into account that the medal will not be awarded to mark major birthdays or to retired people unless they are still active in the sector. The board and award committee of the Finnish Road Safety Council have no obligation to explain the award decisions.
For any questions about the Medal of Honour, please contact the CEO or executive assistant of the Finnish Road Safety Council.